jueves, 17 de julio de 2014


We are ready to continue playing and sharing great moments and games together. It’s time to play and learn as a big family in St. George’s college. Bib, Miss Angela and Miss Cynthia are waiting for you  my dear beavers.

Orgulloso de mi Perú

 El jueves 10 de julio se realizó el concurso de murales dentro del aula, nuestra región a evaluar fue la selva, Los pequeños beavers realizaron un hermoso mural utilizando diferentes técnicas y materiales, también respondieron las preguntas realizadas por el jurado y se divirtieron mucho aprendiendo un poco más sobre nuestra inmensa y hermosa selva peruana.

Gracias a su esfuerzo y entusiasmo sorprendieron al jurado y fueron ganadores del concurso de murales en pre kínder.

Felicitaciones Beavers, estoy muy orgullosa de ustedes !

Phonic P

Pancake, pizza, pear, picture, pig are words that begin with the phonic sound /p/. Let’s sing this lovely song.

Our bouncing ball competition!

Beavers were hopping as a rabbit using a bouncing ball. They remembered colours and shapes; also they had competitions in pairs hopping high and having fun.
Participating is more important than winning! Beavers we are all friends and a lovely family.

Phonic review song

The phonic sound /m/ was learnt this week. They love this song and learnt many words from it.

Let’s play Hopscotch !

Hopscotch is a popular game, every child loves to play it. In this game Beavers practiced the vocabulary and numbers, making sentences orally using the pictures given to them. Beavers loved that activity; they enjoy it a lot and were given a pirate patch when they said the correct sentence.

Week 7 songs

In week 7 we sang many songs and learnt phonic D, Let’s sing and practice! Here we go!

Let's go to the playground

Enjoying our dog parade

Beavers were in a dog parade. They made some nice headbands to act as funny dogs. They pretended to be one of them and learnt the importance of being in contact with dogs and taking care of them at all times. It is important to play and give them love in every single moment.

“Dogs are our best friend“       

Hechizos De Una Tierna Brujita

La brujita tapita vivía en un tapón con una escobita, ella hacia brujerías y así lograba volar, navegar, desaparecer y hacer muchos más hechizos inventados por ella, vamos a divertirnos con las aventuras de la brujita en esta hermosa canción.

Time to read with Bib!

Bib told an amazing story to beavers class, they received a book and read with Bib the amazing story “TOP DOG”. They were really enthusiastic recognising the tittle and principal characters in the story. They retold the story using their books and linking their ideas according to what Bid told them. 
“Why reach for the stars when you can reach for a book and have the stars, the sun and the moon”

Cantando una linda canción !

Incy Wincy araña es una hermosa canción que aprendimos en nuestra  clase de Español, la cantamos e hicimos nuestras mímicas al compás de la música ayudando a la tierna arañita a escapar de la lluvia.

martes, 15 de julio de 2014

My favourite community helper.

This week beavers dressed up as their favourite community helper. They learnt that the community helpers help us when we really need them. They did an excellent presentation being firefighters, police officers, bakers, nurses and doctors. That was a great moment for them acting as their idol in the community.

Well done beavers!